Bla Bla Box :D

Free shoutbox @ ShoutMix

Monday, April 23, 2007


Hey bottle lovers!! I've spent hours trying to give my "dummy" blog a face .. yeah quite curious huh.. this was supposed to be only for testing, but i finally decided that this would be the core itself. Two main resons (though i don't owe u an explanation)
1. I'm too damn lazy to start over another one.
2. Jev and Morinn already left a comment (thats too kewl)

This is still a Beta version, i wont puke out all the warnings and notices Big corporates usually do for their products. lol. Adjustments will be made so be sure to chek out or just rot my shoutbox!
BTW suggestions are welcome.

Thanks a lot ma lovely Khev for making me start that crap and at the same time getting something interesting to do , Morinn for her precious help, and motivation, and Jev for making morinn so horny and willing to help ... heheh uve inspired me lots!


morinn said...

"and Jev for making morinn so horny and willing to help..."
alala!! li p devoile mo secret!! pa bon pa bon!! hihi
hey mo senti moi kumen 1 star sa kantiter fois ena mo nom lor sa post la :P ihih

m0rph said...


well mo pan realizer lol ..ok mo nuke kot ena to nom ... to va reste dan lanonymat. ..

non.. lais li

Anonymous said...

na na li bon la ki!! jm me sentir une star!! :P :$

Anonymous said...

wawa mari yen pu poster comment lr to blog..

m0rph said...

lol gro yen ...