Bla Bla Box :D

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Friday, September 14, 2007


HI ppl!

Its Nearly 2AM, and im writing this to express how ... shit i don't have words to express how im feeling. I knew Mauritius was dangerous by night, i even experienced it, but not to that extent. Here is why :

11.10 pm - I left my usual Cstrike session to meet my couzin and went to get some smokes, way back we stop at an intersection coz of the lights..

I was blabling some stuff when kevin (my couz) noticed some ppl approaching, what caught my attention is that they were very loud, as if they were furious or something.
"heh drunk mofos," i said.

" i think they'r coming our way " kevin burped! so whats the deal? at that particular point of time i had no idea of what would follow.

2 of the guys came by the car, " yo man , need your help , do you have 5 bucks and a cig?"

Tssk usual " bater biss " stuff! NO sir, when we replied by the negative, they started shouting for reinfoncements! o.0 wtf? 6 other assholes came by the car and tried to open the doors! fortunately it was equipped with central locking stuff and the windows were up.

they started to ram both sides of the vehicle, smashing the windows and windshield like mad, the only reflex i had is to protect my eyes!" unfortunately one of their empty bottles crashed through the driver's window and hit kevin's head, he hit the gas violently to shake loose of the Zombie horde and dash furiously to anywhere far from them.

we then stopped , both shaky , kevs head a bit damaged . what to do? get reinforcements and go back to beat the shit out of those bastards? No , we are grown ups now, diplomacy, i called my dad to know what's the nxt step. Meanwhile we had a look at the damage!.

1 of the bottles even remained intact!

kev after the storm!

11.15pm - when everything was over. We went to the Police for statements and stuff then to the hospital for first aid .. tssskkk.

Another bad Trip!

im too tired to write more details...


morinn said...

aargh, tahii, mari sovaz sa! :S

to couz corek aster?

Jevin said...

wer thats shit man. ki lendroi sa? mwa si mo ena n mesaventure ar loto. mo ti park loto uni et n malin ti craz vitre la et ti pren facette cd player. mo demane mwa kifer lin pren sa.. :Z li pa pu monter lor n lot lapareil de toute maniere.

m0rph said...

well ti lor robot beau bassin zis apres zone51 sa - bn deler sort barkly i suppoz, menfin .. couz in korek. mo dir aster nerport ki zafer ariver lor chemin , mo pa pu areter , ever....

Anonymous said...


zone51 la koter sa? o.O mo rest bb mai mo pa koner koter sa :D

mari sa! to fer moi pere pou sorti a soir tou la!

m0rph said...

lol lash , la route hugnin robot ar la pharmacie mt roche la ....

_butt said...

hi there, don't mind me dropping by :)

omg, that's terrible! hope you're doing okay now...

Anonymous said...

taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... fer attention!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aret srti assoir tousala! Reste lakaz kuma bon zenfant!

MBB said...

Hello I see you are a Mauritian Blogger, would you mind getting featured on my blog?Do visit and let me know. I am trying to gather mauritian blogs together.

InF said...

Damn.. This country is turning into Premium MoFo Country.. Really, people always say about insecurity and stuff, but even the hunky guys get shaken after an experience like that.

Cheerz matey!

...TeAr Of PeArL... said...

:? oune fer moi per la morphounet fran tou :?
hope tu va bien toi ek ur couz as well
tc xxx